Our lab hosts a wide array of electronics characterization tools and capabilities. These include time and frequency domain characterization systems that cover DC to 110 GHz and temperature control systems that provide temperatures from ~ 1.2 K to 500 °C. Some of the key systems are listed here.
(Additional details to be added soon, but please check out what we have included so far)
Cryogenic Characterization Equipment

ARS Cryogenic Probe Station
~15 K to 300 °C
4 DC (needle) probes
2 1.85 mm GSG RF probes
Sample in vacuum

CIA Cryosystem
Closed-cycle (pulse-tube based)
~ 1.2 K to 300 K
DC + RF capable
Sample in vacuum

Cryogen Dewars
Multiple dewars
Liquid nitrogen (LN2, 77 K)
Liquid helium (LHe, 4.2 K)
DC and RF dunk probes
Electrical / RF / Microwave Characterization Equipment

Keysight N5227A PNA
4-port, 67 GHz
True differential
Time domain capable

Keysight DSOX93204A O-scope
32 GHz BW

Keysight DCA86100D Sampling Scope
Single or Differential
Dual 70 GHz Sampling Channels

Keysight N4903B J-BERT
M8061A 2:1 MUX
BERT up to 32Gbps

Keysight E5061B ENA
5 Hz to 3 GHz

Keysight MSO9104A O-scope
4 + 16 channels, 1 GHz BW
Additional Equipment / Capabilities
RF probe station (Cascade Summit 11k) and RF Cage
RF / microwave sources (HP E4426B, Keysight N5181A, etc.)
Signal sources (Tek AFG1062, Keysight 33220A, Keysight U2761A)
Power supplies (Yokogawa GS200, Keysight E3631A, Keysight E3640A,
SMUs (Keysight B2962A, Keysight U2722A and U2723A, Keithley 2400 and 2400-C)
Other oscilloscopes (Keysight U2702A, Keysight DSOX3034A)
Meters (Keysight 34420A, Keysight U3606A)
Temperature systems/control (Lakeshore 218, 224, and 335)
High power supplies and load (N5761A and N3300A with multiple loads)
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